What is the female condom?

What is the female condom?

The alternative to the male condom

The female condom, also known under the name of ?Female Condom? or ?Femidom? exists since 1998. Real alternative to the male condom , it is the only means of contraception entirely controlled by women: unlike the male condom, the condom feminine does not require the approval of her partner .

As effective as the male condom, it looks like a sheath with two rings at its ends. The first (smaller) ring is placed inside the vagina while the second takes place outside. (see user manual.)
Its material, polyurethane (the 2nd generation of Femidom is made of nitrile, hypoallergenic too) allows it to be "anti-allergic" or more precisely hypoallergenic , unlike latex. It can also be used with any lubricant based on water or silicone!

The benefits of the female condom

The only alternative to the male condom to protect against STIs and AIDS, the female condom has many advantages that make it worth at least trying it once:

  • Allows women to choose for themselves,
  • Does not cause allergy thanks to the absence of latex,
  • Can be set up until 8 hours before intercourse,
  • Allows the man to feel less cramped (ejaculation would be more pleasant in particular),
  • Does not necessarily require an erect penis,
  • The outer ring can rub lightly on the clitoris and cause even more pleasure,
  • Has no smell.

The disadvantages of Femidom

Despite the work of manufacturers to improve its use, the female condom has some drawbacks that you should know before using it, even if none is insurmountable:
  • The female condom is more expensive than the male condom,
  • It is distributed unevenly in the trade but it is easily found on the Internet and obviously on Condomz,
  • Just like his male colleague, it takes a little practice to put it on properly,
  • The outer ring must be maintained during installation,
  • The external part can enter the vagina in case of vigorous intercourse.

Female condom user manual

The female condom can be placed at any time before intercourse (before intercourse itself or just before intercourse). Put yourself in a comfortable position: lying, sitting, or standing with one foot on a chair.

  1. Open the individual Femidom pouch and take out the condom carefully, especially if you are wearing jewelry
  2. Make sure the inner ring is at the bottom of the female condom. Hold Femidom by this ring by pressing it between the pusher and the index finger
  3. Without releasing it, insert the ring into the vagina and push it as far as possible
  4. Then place the index finger inside the female condom and push it to the bottom of the vagina by pushing on the inner ring
  5. When Femidom is in place, the outer ring must be outside the vagina. It is imperceptible because it is pressed against the skin

During intercourse, make sure that your partner’s penis enters the condom correctly. It is normal for the Femidom female condom to move slightly following the movements of the vagina, you are always as protected.


Wilfried BORG - CPO (Chief Préservatif Officer)

Co-fondateur de Condomz et créateur de la marque Condomz en 2003, j'achète et je vends des préservatifs et des lubrifiants partout dans le monde.
Incollable sur la norme NF et le procédé de fabrication de la capote, j'ai parcouru la planète pour dénicher les meilleurs usines et les meilleurs modèles.
Fier d'avoir aider à protéger des millions d'Européens et d'Européennes depuis plus de 20 ans

Une question sur le préservatif ou le lubrifiant : wilfried.borg@mblab.fr

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