Notice added on 13-02-2025
Verified purchase
Gold Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very good product, very resistant
Weak points
Notice added on 23-05-2022
Verified purchase
Gold Tester
Automatically translated from: french Fine not lubricated tank
> 7 people out of 15 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 16-09-2020
Verified purchase
Gold Tester
Automatically translated from: french Already ordered several times very very satisfied deliver very quickly
> 7 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 09-02-2020
Verified purchase
Gold Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very very satisfied
> 8 people out of 8 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 25-07-2019
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french unlubricated condom for adhoc practice; so nickel.
> 7 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 27-06-2019
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Not a bit of lubrication ?? Weird!
Weak points
> 8 people out of 9 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 10-02-2019
Verified purchase
Gold Tester
Automatically translated from: french very resistant
> 8 people out of 8 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 20-01-2019
Verified purchase
Gold Tester
Automatically translated from: french ewell enters and rexistant
> 8 people out of 8 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 18-01-2018
Verified purchase
Gold Tester
Automatically translated from: french very good product, hyper resistant, I recommend it
> 8 people out of 8 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 14-08-2016
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french very consistent in my expectations a bit wide can a 50 or 51 would be perfect I ais find a mate online at consistent condom has a 50mm 12 4.99e shipping 2.99emrey
> 8 people out of 13 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 16-10-2014
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french good quality free shipping price
> 8 people out of 9 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 13-02-2014
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french I am very sastifais of these condoms.
> 9 people out of 9 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 28-11-2012
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french very good material, no lubrication, very useful condom for oral sex. and once lubricated, the lubricant holds well above this condom are very clever and is very durable. good end to a good feeling ... to buy
> 10 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
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All reviews on Rilaco Joy
Easy opening
Smell / taste