Notice added on 07-10-2019
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french the effect is direct
> 10 people out of 19 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 05-11-2017
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french hot or cold effect not felt rib no sensation for madam
Weak points
> 10 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 26-03-2017
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Not bad for the price
Weak points
> 10 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 12-10-2016
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Cold effect: You feel the cold effect, but it leaves a deposit not very pleasant to the touch. The smell is not very pleasant. Hot Effect: It does not feel the warm effect. Condoms are too lubricated, it leaves too much liquid on the fingers really feel not good in comparison with Cold Effect.
Weak points
> 10 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 22-06-2015
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french The hot sensation is absent. The sensation of cold is present confusing but exciting for sdeux partners. A small flat over the period, as this effect may be too eventually anesthetized ...
> 10 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 05-11-2014
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very average indeed nothing concerning hot !!! And for cold c effect is hot !!!!
> 11 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 02-05-2014
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french The cooling effect is felt for my pleasure but hot indeed ... Not present! It is a pity
> 8 people out of 13 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 23-10-2013
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Hard veneer, compressed sex, almost nonexistent sensation "hot" version, but (to put 3 stars) excellent feeling of "cold" ...
> 9 people out of 9 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 26-04-2013
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french The effects really feel cold but much further convinced by the effect warm feeling !!
> 7 people out of 14 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 30-08-2012
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
> 10 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 27-07-2012
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french cold effect lasts long ...
> 9 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 10-05-2012
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Difficult to remove from the packaging, otherwise it feels the good effects 2, heated and cold. To try
> 9 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
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All reviews on Pasante Climax
Easy opening
Smell / taste