Notice added on 27-07-2024
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very good expansion
Weak points
> 2 people out of 2 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 13-11-2020
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french top dilation
> 9 people out of 17 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 15-08-2020
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Too bad the plants do not appear on the ingredients, but the first effect is felt which heats the mucous membranes and the anal penetration of a finger to start can quickly follow without pain. Quite surprised by this magical expansion in the first step. But too bad because evaporates very very quickly (in less than 4 min) and to put some back ok, of course. But there you go, leaves a sticky residue on unpleasant skin. Otherwise the recipe for plants and anal relaxer is TOP !! Also used vaginally (same too short, and glue) No smell, even in the mouth. Too fluid texture, does not stain. Ok for standard latex hoods.
Weak points
> 14 people out of 14 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 19-04-2020
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very soft texture. Without perfume. Pleasant because it does not stick.
> 11 people out of 18 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 13-09-2018
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Really very good I highly recommend it
Weak points
> 11 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 13-09-2018
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Really very good I highly recommend it
Weak points
> 11 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 22-08-2018
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very good glide and very comfortable ... not sticky and not too fat ...
> 11 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 26-07-2018
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french very good for a massage
> 11 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 18-07-2018
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french good value for money
> 10 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 08-02-2018
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french nothing to say
> 10 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 16-01-2017
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french good product for this lubricant
> 18 people out of 23 found this review helpful.
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All reviews on Just Glide Anal
Fluidity / texture
Smell / Taste
Dispensing time