Convertible top buying guide

Convertible top buying guide

Not sure what the best condom top to choose for the first time? The Condomz condom top buying guide explains everything about the condom: the choice of size, latex or latex free, the best brand. Read to the end before buying your first condom box.

The condom: a contraceptive and a safe protection against sexually transmitted diseases

The safest means of protection, the condom protects you from STIs (sexually transmitted infections). In France, with the emergence of diseases such as syphilis or gonorrhea, it has become essential to wear a condom to protect yourself in the event of sexual intercourse with a partner whom you do not know enough about.

Unlike the contraceptive pill, the condom is dual-use. It is therefore just as effective in countering unwanted pregnancies. So to get the best of you, all you have to do is wear it for each penetration!

On the other hand, in the event of misuse, you will not be safe, during the report, of the tearing of your condom. It should be noted that if you put it to good use, it is 98% reliable. This is why it is important to apply when putting it on!

How do I choose the right condom op size?

First of all, the condom must be adapted to your penis. Like a piece of clothing that you are going to wear, it must guarantee you a minimum of comfort. The idea would be not to worry about it during the act, or even to forget it. So to make the right choice, two criteria must be taken into account: size and width. Why ? Because that’s what will allow you to take maximum pleasure while limiting the risks. If your condom is too large, it may gradually slip off and withdraw from your penis. It would thus lose its usefulness. If, on the contrary, it is too tight, the top can hurt you and make the report uncomfortable.

In France, in the majority of men, the diameter of the erect penis is between 4 cm and 5.5 cm. If this is your case, you won’t have to worry about finding a top that is the right size. The majority of those on the market may be suitable for you. Otherwise, it will be necessary to draw from the few existing models of small or large size. At Condomz, we offer a wide selection of condoms adapted to your needs and we have set up a Penismeter. What is that ? It is a tool to measure your penis. Yes, because before buying a condom, it is natural to measure the size of your penis to choose the most suitable.

It is not the length of the soft top that can be a problem. For example, if your penis is short, you just have to cover it completely with your condom, leaving the rest unrolled. If, on the other hand, it is longer than average, unroll the condom completely and cover your entire penis. You can do it without too much difficulty thanks to the latex which is a stretchable material.

Hood: latex or latex-free?

Some of us are allergic to latex. Moreover, this allergy is very widespread and affects more than 10% of the population. Fortunately, there are soft tops without latex, made of Sensoprene or Polyurethane. Despite their finesse, they remain very resistant.

We don’t always realize our allergy. We do not pay attention or we simply think that we are not compatible with our partner. In fact, if you experience irritation or discomfort on your penis, there is a good chance that you are allergic to latex. Try wearing latex gloves and you will see the results. Your hands will turn red and you will be itchy. It is the same principle for the condom. To be sure, your best bet would be to see a doctor. Latex allergy turns out to be one of the main reasons for the lack of pleasure of some people who use a condom.

Latex-free soft tops are made of Polyurethane or Sensosprene. Each brand develops its own latex-free material. The Pasante brand, for example, manufactures condom made from AT-10 Resin, a synthetic and hypoallergenic material. These materials vary in terms of flexibility, softness and finesse. Some are nicer than others. To find out more, we invite you to test them all to choose the most suitable.

An ultra-thin hood for maximum comfort

The thickness of the ultra-thin condom is less than 60 microns. While maintaining their resistance, their finesse allows you to be as close as possible to the sensations of a natural relationship. Many super-thin condom are made from materials that are much stronger than latex.

Like the thickness of a hair, that of the standard hood is between 60 and 80 microns. It already allows to pass a maximum of sensations. Ultra-thin condoms are those less than 60 microns thick. It is even found at 15 microns at the Pasante brand. To balance this fineness, the use of materials stronger than latex such as sensoprene is required. Brands also use specific manufacturing methods to refine the latex condom while maintaining the strength of a thicker condom.

With an ultra-thin top, the sensations are always better. If we take the example of gloves, we quickly realize that this makes a big difference. The thicker they are, the less likely you are to feel the materials or surfaces you touch. It is the same principle for the condom. To be as close as possible to the sensations that one can feel without a condom during the act, it is necessary to opt for the ultra-fine. Obviously, the smoothness does not alter the protection.

A whirlwind of sensations

At Condomz, we have concocted a selection of condoms that double the pleasure. Several of them intensify the sensations and the pleasure of your partner. The famous shivering heat condom, for example, is coated with a warming lubricant that whirls your partner into a whirlwind of heat and chills. The beaded and grooved condom whose pearls intensify and multiply the friction in contact with the vaginal walls causes more intense orgasms in your partner. 100% guaranteed effect!

What are the best brands of condom?

The best brands of condom have many strengths. Among them, we find Durex, Manix, Skyn or Intimy. The stars of the market are undoubtedly Durex and Manix which are similar in every way. If Manix offers sexy packaging, Durex wins points in terms of smell and lubrication. But it is their finesse and flexibility that make them top-quality products.

At Condomz, it is the Condozone brand that is unanimous. Thin, flexible and well lubricated, it fulfills all the functions of a quality condom at a lower cost. At 15 euros for a box of 100 condoms, you risk getting a good deal!

However, for the first time, it is important to be comfortable in bed with your partner. No one wants to be bored with stories of poorly lubricated or bad condoms. That is why, at Condomz, we recommend the Skyn Original which is very easy to use and which unrolls very easily.

How to get cheap or free condoms?

The cheapest condoms are not found in pharmacies. Often their price is high: between 6 and 12 euros per box. In the supermarket, they are cheaper: between 3 and 6 euros but they are not the cheapest on the market. At Condomz, we offer you very inexpensive condoms: 15 cents per condom, to protect you without breaking the bank!

If your state of health requires the use of a condom, you can request reimbursement. To do this, contact your doctor to have them prescribed for you. They are reimbursed at 60% by social security. They are reimbursed at 60% by social security.

Otherwise, to get free condoms, go to the nearest family planning center. Also, big brands like Durex and Manix often sponsor music festivals. If you go there, you’ll get some for free. Finally, LGBT and AIDS associations generously distribute free condoms on their premises.


Wilfried BORG - CPO (Chief Préservatif Officer)

Co-fondateur de Condomz et créateur de la marque Condomz en 2003, j'achète et je vends des préservatifs et des lubrifiants partout dans le monde.
Incollable sur la norme NF et le procédé de fabrication de la capote, j'ai parcouru la planète pour dénicher les meilleurs usines et les meilleurs modèles.
Fier d'avoir aider à protéger des millions d'Européens et d'Européennes depuis plus de 20 ans

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