Condoms without latex

Condoms without latex

Protect yourself without allergy

The condom is hardly worn, you feel itchy and your sex is covered with red patches? It has just penetrated you and already a slight burn is felt in you? So you are like 10% of the population: allergic to latex.

Unable to combine with the condom a few years ago, manufacturers now offer different solutions based on polyurethane or deproteinized latex. You will have no excuse for not protecting yourself next time!

The different solutions

DUREX Avanti (male condom) and TERPAN Femidom (female condom) are the first latex-free condoms that combine protection and pleasure. Thanks to a new anti-allergic material, finer and more resistant than latex: polyurethane. Two 100% latex-free solutions certified by the NF standard. Durex Aventi is the first male condom without latex. Extra fine, it lets a maximum of heat pass between the two bodies. Odorless, transparent and more resistant than a latex condom, it has something to seduce all allergic. Terpan Femidom, the female condom, focuses on reliability that will reassure many women allergic to latex. More resistant than a male condom, he can put himself well before the preliminaries. The ideal qualities to become the indispensable object of all your unpredictable evenings ...

There are also latex preservatives treated to minimize the risk of allergies, such as MANIX Crystal and INTIMY Excellence, but are not recommended for people with severe latex allergies. A complex technical process purifies the latex by removing a large portion of the allergenic proteins. Also known as deproteinized latex, it contains a much lower level of allergenic proteins than conventional latex condoms, which reduces the risk of allergies related to contact with latex.

Advantages and disadvantages

Obviously the main advantage of these condoms is to be able to protect themselves without suffering from allergy. For condoms based on polyurethane, there is also greater fineness of the top for feelings always more natural and increased resistance for more safety. And with polyurethane, you can use all the lubricants you want, even fatty lubricants (petroleum jelly, ...), since it is a material that does not become porous.

In return, these condoms are usually more expensive than conventional condoms latex. And despite its fineness, polyurethane is less flexible than latex, so the male condom may be a little more difficult to put on. Disadvantages very small compared to all the benefits of these condoms for people with allergies!

The opinion of our customers

Our customers have tried and they loved.

? Olivier, DUREX Avanti : The same thing better, without the latex! More pleasant, lighter, not feel compressed ... It is really forgotten and it is indeed a resistance that far exceeds that of traditional latex.

? Marion, TERPAN Femidom : Allergy to latex, my friend could hardly bear the condoms. In addition, these painful experiences made him reluctant to use a condom and nothing to see the small package made him lose all means. So we had to look for a solution, and that’s where I discovered female condoms. At first it seems complicated to put, but once we took the hand, the feelings are the same, the protection and more! It really changed ... our nights!


Wilfried BORG - CPO (Chief Préservatif Officer)

Co-fondateur de Condomz et créateur de la marque Condomz en 2003, j'achète et je vends des préservatifs et des lubrifiants partout dans le monde.
Incollable sur la norme NF et le procédé de fabrication de la capote, j'ai parcouru la planète pour dénicher les meilleurs usines et les meilleurs modèles.
Fier d'avoir aider à protéger des millions d'Européens et d'Européennes depuis plus de 20 ans

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