Choose your condom

Choose your condom

More fun and protection

How to find among the ten brands and the hundred models of condoms available on the market? Not easy to take the time to decide between the Duflex Powermax and Maflix Senomax in front of the pressed mine of his favorite pharmacist or next to dozens of customers of the supermarket Shampoos / Shaving Mousses / Condoms. On the Internet, it’s easier, but the choice is even more generous and our little guide will help you to see more clearly to find the right condom to your pleasure.

Choosing a condom is all about fun and protection. Fun because a well-fitting condom, which does not cause allergy and lets pass all the sensations is a guarantee of pleasure for both partners. Protection because a quality condom, which is easily put in place and does not tear at the first back and forth is essential to effectively protect against STDs and AIDS.

NF or EC standard

NF standard The first guarantee of quality for a condom is the standard that is applied to it. The NF or CE logos must be present on the condom packaging.

Since 1998, the CE standard , issued by a notified body from one of the member states of the European Union, has been imposed on condom manufacturers. It indicates the conformity of the product to the "essential" safety requirements and guarantees a minimum level of quality. The batch of controlled samples consists of 500,000 units.

Issued by a French commission, the NF standard is the strictest and most complete of the standards in force although it has become optional. It is up to the manufacturer to request the standard NF on boxes is proof of a commitment to quality guaranteed. The NF label makes it possible to check the quality of the products according to the following criteria:

  • Dimensions
  • Volume and burst pressure
  • Tensile strength before and after aging
  • No perforations
  • Color stability of pigmented condoms
  • Storage Resistance Properties
  • Marking and packaging

Choose the right size

Small, Xtra large or Medium, do not misguide condom size is sure that the condom will not withdraw during the act, that the sex will not be too compressed and therefore that pleasure and protection will be at the meeting -you. You should know that latex is an extensible material that conforms to the shape of the penis, and therefore most penises will be perfectly comfortable in a standard size condom.

Small size As for small condoms, oddly enough, it’s a market that is just starting to interest brands and few of them offer adapted solutions. For men whose penis is shorter than the average (remember it is 14cm erect) but the diameter is average, a standard size condom is perfect, just do not unroll it entirely, no risk that he will retire since he will be tight around the penis. For men who have a thinner penis, we must turn to small condoms whose diameter is reduced to ensure ideal maintenance.
Find our selection of small condoms here .

Big size For men generously spoiled not mother nature, standard condoms are a nightmare because they compress the penis, which decreases the sensations and increases the risk of tearing during the act. Brands have long been addressing the problem and there are many models: longer for large penises or wider for thicker penises, everyone should find happiness by consulting the size information given by manufacturers and also by trying these different models to find the most suited to his anatomy.
Find our selection of large condoms here .

Attention to allergies

Without latex The condom is hardly worn, you feel itchy and your sex is covered with red patches? It has just penetrated you and already a slight burn is felt in you? So you are like 10% of the population: allergic to latex.

Fortunately, manufacturers now offer various solutions based on polyurethane or deproteinized latex to allow you to protect yourself without allergy. Only black point: they are more expensive than conventional condoms, because more complicated to manufacture.
Find our selection of latex free condoms here .

The little extras that make the difference

Small size

What is the difference between a 20 cent condom and a 1 euro condom? Sometimes there is no difference: only the logo on the box changes, the content is the same! But you must know that manufacturers compete ingenuity to offer always better condoms and often the price is justified by small extras that make the difference at the right time.

The packaging : it is not essential but a nice box with all the explanations and a detailed user manual is always reassuring before the moment fateful.

The opening of the packaging : who has never galley in the heat of the action to take the condom out of its plastic case? A "foil" (the name of the plastic square that surrounds the condom) well designed, easy to open without forcing and especially without tearing the condom inside is a guarantee of tranquility for future events.

The pose on the penis : all the condoms (and all the penis!) Are not equal at the time of unwinding. Some brands have particularly worked on the shape of the condom with anatomical profiles to facilitate the establishment. Ideal for beginners and those who do not want to bother at this crucial moment.

A condom well lubricated : again, there are big differences between low-end condoms and others. A lubricant in sufficient quantity, odorless or scented to mask the smell of latex, it is a little more that will make the use of condoms much more pleasant.


Wilfried BORG - CPO (Chief Préservatif Officer)

Co-fondateur de Condomz et créateur de la marque Condomz en 2003, j'achète et je vends des préservatifs et des lubrifiants partout dans le monde.
Incollable sur la norme NF et le procédé de fabrication de la capote, j'ai parcouru la planète pour dénicher les meilleurs usines et les meilleurs modèles.
Fier d'avoir aider à protéger des millions d'Européens et d'Européennes depuis plus de 20 ans

Une question sur le préservatif ou le lubrifiant :

The products of our selection


Pasante Feel

Pasante Feel

€ 4.72

€ 5.90

3.0 (2 reviews)

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