Notice added on 01-07-2024
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Efficient gets the job done 😉
> 2 people out of 2 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 09-02-2024
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french super effective
> 2 people out of 2 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 29-12-2023
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very good value for money
> 2 people out of 2 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 28-11-2023
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Impeccable product............
> 2 people out of 2 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 09-08-2020
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Good product, easy to use
> 11 people out of 21 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 08-07-2019
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Just pay attention to the quantity of the product, I thought I bought a big tube I ended up with a mini tube
> 12 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 23-06-2018
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french A real mistake of purchase: supposed to be "without smell", there is a very unpleasant smell !!! I advise against people who do not want to ruin their moment of intimacy with a nauseating smell! I will not redeem!
Weak points
> 12 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 06-01-2018
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very soft and non-greasy product. Glide of good quality and sensations at the rendezvous.
> 11 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 30-05-2017
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very good lubricant, nothing to say negative, we recommend.
> 11 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 04-10-2015
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Too little liquid for the price. Really not a reference ...
> 12 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 23-09-2014
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french a very super gel like these promises
> 11 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 11-09-2013
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Long-term lubrication, very nice for sodomy. Remains a bit on but but nothing serious. My favorite!
> 13 people out of 14 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 20-07-2013
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french very good product excellent value for money
> 11 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 12-09-2012
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Unpleasant and persistent odor, but lubricates
> 11 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 05-07-2012
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french great product, effective lubrication and satisfactory duration, although it must recover after a few minutes if the "natural lubrication" has not yet taken over.
> 12 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 13-04-2012
Verified purchase
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french BOF! For an "aqua" it's okay, but compared to a massage oil is much lower gliding and duration! The price is very attractive! The smell is neutral.
> 12 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 25-03-2009
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french This product is amazing. The lubricant endures and does not dry. It is very soft and can be used for very intimate and gentle caresses. Put on a vibro masseur before introduction, my wife likes. I tested a lot of product. This one is # 1.
> 12 people out of 12 found this review helpful.
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All reviews on JoyDivision AQUAglide
Fluidity / texture
Smell / Taste
Dispensing time