Notice added on 09-07-2020
Gold Tester
Automatically translated from: french A lubricant with a pleasant smell but which would tend to stick after a while.
> 4 people out of 6 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 16-05-2016
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french but stick very good product
Weak points
> 7 people out of 8 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 07-03-2016
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french after my partner, goûtt very nice, a little less lubricant as prescribed by my gynecologist, overall very good product
> 5 people out of 9 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 15-07-2014
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french taste a chemical hair huuuuumm but ...: D
> 8 people out of 15 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 23-02-2014
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french good taste, a little too sweet for my taste, but much too sticky later, so not very pleasant
> 10 people out of 13 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 29-12-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Why hesitate? This product meets perfectly both functions: taste and lubricant! One and the other mixing to offer new sensations and new villains and exquisite games. In both cases, use sparingly.
> 13 people out of 19 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 17-12-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very nice ... the taste is a little bitter but it happens!
> 4 people out of 4 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 19-11-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Glue too! the cotton candy it looks like that leaves the skin sticky !!!
> 6 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 07-11-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very nice product, good smell, good taste
> 6 people out of 6 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 18-09-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Product conforms to the description
> 7 people out of 11 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 25-06-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Good product at the lubricity for me but the taste is too acidic.
> 4 people out of 6 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 15-06-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Very good taste. However, careful not to put too much because it becomes too sweet !! Very good lubricating gel and duration. I recommend...
> 15 people out of 15 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 16-04-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french One can taste bitter. He just burned my partner the second time. The first time it made him feel a lot of cons. lubricity is very good.
> 10 people out of 19 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 22-03-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french very good product advisor
> 3 people out of 5 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 15-03-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french nice product, easy to use, good taste and nice texture
> 3 people out of 4 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 08-03-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french easily bitter shame
> 2 people out of 4 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 02-03-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Great product nothing to say, we were very satisfied!
> 2 people out of 4 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 19-02-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french A well-cherry taste but super acid if one puts too
> 5 people out of 7 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 14-02-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french good lubrication and cherry scent not bad. not to apply too generously otherwise you will remain in a good package on the hands and not necessarily pleasant ...
> 2 people out of 4 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 03-02-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french good product but too sweet, it can give a tingling sensation in the throat.
> 2 people out of 3 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 03-02-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Ultra fast delivery! Good stuff
> 1 people out of 2 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 22-01-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french The smell and taste are perfect; I recommand it.
> 2 people out of 2 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 22-01-2013
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Great product with superb cherry smell, I recommend to everyone
> 5 people out of 5 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 26-10-2012
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Good lubricant, not very very pronounced odor but the taste is so sweet that it's weird, fragrance is the one of the cherry but ultra chemical version if you like chemical candy, you'll love! Order received very quickly.
> 1 people out of 2 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 15-10-2012
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french This product does not stick and we really found the taste of sweet cherry TOP
> 3 people out of 6 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 03-09-2012
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Easy gel used and increases the pleasure gives more intensity to cuddle
> 3 people out of 3 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 31-08-2012
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french Our favorite, unique and very pleasant taste very sweet, texture "gel" great, nickel lubrication ... The temptation would be to eat all lubricant short so it is good!
> 6 people out of 6 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 15-08-2012
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french A well-chemical taste like candy. I love !!!
> 2 people out of 3 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 31-07-2012
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french lubricates good but not great taste
> 1 people out of 1 found this review helpful.
Notice added on 31-07-2012
Bronze Tester
Automatically translated from: french At the first lick, taste is a little too sweet ... but there is a taste of it back. So we can not do without, attention is addictive!
> 5 people out of 10 found this review helpful.
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All reviews on Durex Crazy Cherry
Fluidity / texture
Smell / Taste
Dispensing time